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Quality Assurance and Testing

An oversight in the code can lead to a bug so serious that it can kill a product on its first release

Why is it so Important?

In a world filled with choices, consumers will always select the best apps or services. You have to provide a product experience that is seamless and responsive. Create interfaces that are intuitive and consistent. This requires a high-quality product, achieved only by a thorough QA process!

What Do We Offer?

Building a Reliable QA Process

The development process should include procedures and activities, which, when followed strictly, help to proactively reduce the number of software defects. These procedures foster efficient interaction between different project team members, knowledge sharing, and open discussions. Formalized document templates, sufficient planning of development activities, and continuous integration approaches help to detect defects earlier.

We can help build a process to avoid bugs, not to fix them!

Mobile App


Desktop Solutions


Web Platform



of Testing process

Test Documentation


QA Testing


Mobile App Expertise (iOS/Android/UWP)

Our team has extensive experience in testing applications developed for iOS, Android, as well as Windows Universal Apps. We have built an all-encompassing and constantly updated suite of platform-specific test plans. These tests are applicable to any project, so there is no need to reinvent the wheel!

A pool of over 200 devices is available for testing your apps; this includes devices with various operating system versions, hardware configurations and screen resolutions. We keep up-to-date with what’s new on the device market and always update our pool of test devices to match the trends in model popularity.

If you can build that app, we will uncover ways that users can break it!

Desktop Solutions Expertise

Interaction of an application undergoing testing with desktop OS services is covered by a large and always growing suite of tests and tools to meet any application needs. Our testing experience ranges from *nix drivers to desktop Windows and Mac OS X apps.

With extensive expertise in Windows, MacOS, *nix OS’s, and a replenishing pool of hardware configurations to test compatibility, we take advantage of virtualization technologies to test any custom platform configuration for desired coverage!

We guarantee to put your product through the entire testing gamut (or, more informally, ringer) to reveal any shortcomings it might have!

Web Platforms Expertise

Our web testing expertise spans from simple websites to complex web platforms, both Frontend and Backend. No matter what platform or cloud you use for hosting and what programming language/framework you used for development — we have experience to test it from every angle.

We use cross-browser testing and web-specific tests. User experience, UI and functionality — we will look at your product from every possible point of view!

If your site can be broken by an end user — we will tell you how!

Testing Process Audit

Already have testing activities in place but have performance concerns? We can audit your testing process and identify root causes for any subpar performance, be it:

  • a failure to find critical defects
  • insufficient coordination between teams
  • missing deadlines
  • lack of transparency in documentation

Audit results become a base for suggestions to improve your testing process. We prepare a complete plan for implementing suggested changes. As a result, we can offer our customers:

  • a well-designed and well-established process
  • a clear-cut test strategy
  • methods to improve communication between all team members
  • cost-efficient development and testing approach

Test Documentation Service

QA documentation not only for your product testing! It can become a decisive factor for VC’s during the capitalization or “buy out” consideration process. We can create test documentation to match the needs of your specific project:

  • test strategy
  • test plan
  • test cases
  • checklists, etc.

No longer will you have to wander, but have a documented path to maintain product quality!

QA Test Automation

Automated testing speeds up product to market delivery and improves efficiency. It also optimizes expenses and helps with execution of repetitive regression testing.

Here is a range of automated testing services we found to be most beneficial to our customers:

  1. Design and creation of test scenarios.
  2. Deployment and configuration of test environment and tools.
  3. Writing automated tests.
  4. Running automated tests and collecting results.
  5. Support and optimization of automated tests. We take into account any changes made to the product since last modification.

We can automate and maintain an environment needed for you to perform an on demand QA check of your product!

Why Us?

Hundreds of different devices

Need to test how your app or site interacts with hundreds of devices on different OSs, and what the customer experience will be?

50+ qualified professionals

Get access to a skilled team of Quality Assurance and Testing engineers. A team that will provide you with timely and relevant QA results, on time and on a budget!

Actionable documentation

Receive actionable QA documentation for your product! So that next time you can spare your budget and repeat the process easily.

Our Experience

We have spent over 18 years testing all kinds of applications. In the process, we have accumulated a wide and versatile experience, and built a well-designed and established process. Our methods have been perfected and acquired by the best professionals, producing results that speak for themselves!

Auto Agent

Apps developed and tested by our company are among the top 100 apps on the App Store, with some making it to the very top!

How We Do It?

Full integration into the customer’s process

We “speak your language” and use your tools, so you don’t have to make any adjustments!

Flexible team sizes:
a perfect fit for any project

As big or as small as your product requires at different stages of a product lifecycle!

Transparent testing process with detailed reports and recommendations

Results in clear and professional documentation for everything we do!

Transparent pricing model

Making it easier to integrate our services into your budget!

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